Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fun Reading Activity and The Hawkeye Hustle!

Thanks to Taylor and her parents!  They donated some really cool ABC pretzels to our class!  We used them for our reading lesson today!  Each child was given two handfuls of pretzels on a napkin.  The children used the pretzels to 'make words' and record them on lined paper.  Many were able to build their names as well as short rhyming words, color words and more.  What a fun way to work with words!  The kids enjoyed eating them when we finished!  Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Becksfort for the fun activity today!

Kylee, Brayden, Bailey and Jaden

Owen L., Do'olo, Isaac and Chloe

Clayton, Aiden, Taylor, Tristan, Elijah and Aubanie

Taylor gets to be in a picture alone!
Thanks for the neat treat Taylor!

Bridger, Ashlynn, Owen D., Reece, Jaden, Ryleigh and William.

The big event of the day today was the Hawkeye Hustle! The kids were so excited to turn in their collection envelopes for this PTO Fundraising event!  We are hoping that our class turns in the most money.  If we do, our class will be given $100 to spend on classroom items as well as a pizza party!  Keep your fingers crossed while the PTO officers tally up the totals!  Even if we do not 'win' the contest, the children of Hamilton Elementary 'win' because of all the wonderful ways the PTO spoils us!  Thank you for donating and allowing your children to ask for donations from family and friends!

Thank you to Mrs. Nykamp for picking up the leis for us!

The Hamilton Hawkeye participated in the Hawkeye Hustle!
Boy, were the kids excited to run around with it!

We did the Hawkeye Hustle inside due to the weather.

Mrs. Petersen had fun music playing while we walked.

Mrs. Petersen rolled a big cube to determine if we
had to walk, jog, skip, gallop, hop or run!

Some Hamilton High School athletes joined in to motivate us!

Miss Brandy, our High School Assistant, also joined us!

Ryleigh celebrated her birthday today, and her mom surprised her
by joining us during our time in the gym!

Getting ready to the the Chicken (or should we say Hawkeye) Dance!

The "Hawkeye Dance"

We always have to do "the funny one" at the end!  

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