Wednesday, February 26, 2014

100th Day Fun!

Thanks to Mother Nature, we had to wait... and wait... and wait for it... and FINALLY... the 100th day of school!   Was it worth the wait?  Check out all of our activities below to see for yourself!

The children each brought in 100 pieces of some type of dry treat.  We mixed all the treats together, and enjoyed a cup full of our mix at snack time!

Some of the children enjoyed dumping out their cup of snack mix and sorting out the contents into groups.  Needless to say, snack time was very enjoyable, but also took a bit more time than usual!

Bailey, Aiden and Chloe enjoy their snack.

Do'olo, Owen L., Aubanie, Elijah, Jaden and Ashlynn eat their snack.

Taylor, Brayden and Ryleigh also eat their treat.

William, Bridger, Jacob, Isaac, Clayton, Reece and Owen D.
enjoy snack time as well.

Reece takes two pretzel sticks and makes fangs!

 Next, we made "100" hats to wear for the day!  The kids traced around the number 100, and then decorated them with 100 dots, or lines, or whatever else they chose.  

Here is the class wearing their 100 hat creations!

Our next activity was a math activity.  The children brought 100 small items from home to weigh against pennies in a balance scale.  They then had to count out their objects into groups of 10 and record how many 10's were made.

Taylor, Aubanie and Ryleigh weigh their objects in balance scales.

The Red Group weighs their objects.

Later in the day, the children were given packets with room to record 100 words they knew.  They walked around the room to find words on the walls, in books, and other places and wrote them down.  They were amazed that they were able to write that many words in a pretty short amount of time!

Several students in our class have not been absent from school even one day this year!  These students were awarded a certificate for 100 days of perfect attendance!  Congratulations!

Chloe, Ashlynn, Do'olo, Taylor and Owen D. have been
in school for 100 days!  Wow!

We ended our day with 100 piece puzzle races!  We divided into groups of four kids, and each group did their best to complete their puzzle.  It was neat to hear so many kids complimenting and encouraging each other to do their best!  Unfortunately, we ran out of time in our day before any group completed their puzzles.

Do'olo, Bailey, Aubanie and Taylor were only 6 pieces away from completing their puzzle before time ran out!

Reece, Jacob, Clayton and Isaac work on their Garfield puzzle.

Elijah, Owen D., and Jaden work on their puzzle.

Brayden, William, Aiden and Bridger.

Chloe, Ashlynn and Ryleigh.

That about covers it!  Don't you wish you could celebrate 100 days of learning like the first graders did?  Hopefully they all had a fun, meaningful day of learning the '100' way!

Of course, we had to end the blog entry with 'The Silly One'!

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