Sunday, February 10, 2019

100th Day Of School

Did you hear all about our fun day on Friday?  We celebrated our 100th day of school!  Although it was not REALLY our 100th day (who knows exactly because of all the snow days??), we enjoyed it!

The kids brought in 100 pieces of a dry treat to mix together with everyone else's to make an AWESOME morning snack on this special day!  Because it was also popcorn day, the kids chose EITHER the popcorn OR the 100th day treat to eat, and take the other home for later.

The "Bee" group

The "Fish" group

The "Frog" group

The "Butterfly" group

We had SIX students who have been in school ALL 100 DAYS and never missed school once!

Congratulations to Nathan, Avery, Alyssa, Silas, Hudson and Noah for perfect attendance for 100 days!

Several students came to school wearing 100 items as well!

We began our day by making special "100 Days Smarter" headbands.  The kids were really proud to wear them around all day long!

Later in the morning, we did some 100th day centers.  We divided into smaller groups and participated in a 100 piece puzzle station, fun '100' papers, and the balance scale/weight station. 


Papers: (no pictures taken)

Balance Scales:  Kids brought in a collection of 100 items to weigh against small ceramic tiles in a balance scale.  First they balanced their items, then counted out how many tiles balanced it, and finally, sorted their 100 items into piles of ten.  Interestingly, several children then realized that they did not have exactly 100 items in their collection, because they did not have ten piles of ten!

During our calendar time, which we do daily, we have been tracking how many days of school in several ways: tallies, a number line, adding a straw to our 'ones' pouch daily, and making 'tens' every two weeks, and adding a penny to our chart each day, trading for bigger amounts as we were able.  On the 100th day, we were able to combine all of our straws to make a 'hundred', circle ten groups of ten tally marks to make a large group of 100, exchange all of our coins for a golden/paper dollar, and add our special '100' number to our number line display! 

To end our day, we divided into groups of 4-5, and used 100 Dixie cups to create a sculpture!  Here are the teams as they worked together:

Here are their finished creations:

We had a very fun time celebrating the 100th day of school.  Hopefully your child came home expressing how enjoyable it was for them!  And now... as usual... here's 'the funny one'!

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