Sunday, May 4, 2014

Butterflies, Clue Searching & WEB Helpers (Oh My!)

Our Monarch caterpillars have been very busy this week! Fortunately, our friends were delivered with FOUR milkweed plants, because they have eaten half of them as of Friday!  

The caterpillars have more than doubled in size in a week. We learned that they will grow and shed their skin FIVE times before the next stage in their life cycle. 

If you remember back to the first post about our friends, you will see how much they have grown!

The next stage of their life cycle should begin this coming week.  After shedding their skin for the fifth time, they will search for a good place to make a chrysalis. That stage takes almost two weeks for them to transform into butterflies.  We have not lost any of our caterpillars, so we still have seven healthy Monarchs! Hopefully all will complete the entire cycle and be set free!  Keep watching!

Did you hear about the bow tie?  Mr. Ferrell secretly came to the classroom at lunch time recently, and he leaves a 'bow tie clue' on the white board for the kids when they return.

When the kids returned from lunch, the search was on! Reece was the first to find the clue! Mr. Ferrell had covered the noses of the cherries on our CH digraph poster! He was awarded with a candy Smartie for his expert sleuthing! Of course, the others children immediately asked, "When will Mr. Ferrell come back and leave another clue?"  Hopefully it won't be long!

Finally, I want to personally thank our WEB (Wonderfully Exciting Books) helpers!  Mrs. Blauwkamp, Mrs. Nevins, Mr. and Mrs. Hoogeveen, Mrs. Neilsen, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Kay, Mrs. Stacey and Mrs. Becksford were invaluable this year! They were depended upon to be at school for 90 minutes weekly or biweekly and read with each child in class and help them choose another book to take home and read. This daily practice helped the children become excellent readers this year! Thank you WEB volunteers from the bottom of my heart!

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