Sunday, December 14, 2014

Farewell to Miss Nykamp

It is said that "Time flies when you're having fun!" That saying rings very true as we say farewell to our  wonderful student teacher, Miss Nykamp!  The children bonded very strongly with her and will miss her greatly!  To celebrate her final day with us, we had a little party!  Enjoy the photos and captions below to hear all about it!

Here they are!  The kids were so very excited to celebrate the day!

With parents helping, the kids brought in items to get Miss Nykamp started in her teaching career such as whiteboard markers, picture books, post-it notes, pens, pencils, glue, and so much more!  The big red tub was FULL of items!  Miss Nykamp was very thankful and appreciative of your thoughtfulness! One of the best parts was the fact that she had NO IDEA how all of those items came in without her knowing it!  The kids did a great job being sneaky about our surprise!

The kids made a special book for Miss Nykamp. In the book, they gave her advice
about what she should do with her future students when she has her very own class.
Each child's page had a color picture of them so that she would always remember him or her.

As she opened her gifts, the kids kept creeping closer and closer to Miss Nykamp!

Miss Nykamp would hold up each and every item after she opened it!

This is a cute little kitty tape dispenser!

After she opened her gifts, it was time for lunch!  Mr. Ferrell brought in a six foot sub sandwich, chips, juice and cookies for lunch!  The kids were so very excited both to see Mr. Ferrell AND to have a special lunch in the classroom instead of the gym!

Santa's lunch helper joins us for a fun day!
Each group took a turn to pick up their lunch from the back table.

Sam waits patiently for his sandwich.

After lunch, Miss Nykamp opened some gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell.

In one basket were some more items to get her started
in her future classroom. The items were different than the
items the kids brought in for her!

In the other basket were picture books galore!  In addition, the Daily 5 and CAFE
books, which many of the kids mentioned she should do with her students
someday in our class book! 

The kids love the pigeon books!

Where would we be without the 'funny one'??
It's the only way I can get them to smile nicely first!
It was a wonderful day!   Miss Nykamp, we will certainly miss you!  Please keep in touch with us when you are able, and we will be sure to send you photos and messages so that you remember us too! Thanks for the great job you did with us.  We all learned a lot with you.  Someday your students will be lucky to have YOU as their full time teacher!

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