Wednesday, February 7, 2018

100th Day of School Fun!

Can you believe it?  We have been in first grade for 100 days!  We had SOOOOO much fun today celebrating this special day all day long!

We began our day celebrating a HUGE accomplishment!  With all the illnesses going around like crazy right now, we actually had SIX students who have not missed EVEN ONE DAY of school and have perfect attendance!  Can you believe it!  Congratulations to these six students:

Front Row:  Dominick, Nick B. and Madilyn.  Back Row:  Avari, Billie and Mason
Students were invited to incorporate "100" into their wardrobe today.  The students below found ways to show 100:  some made necklaces with cereal, buttons or beads, and others put 100 on their shirts in some way.  It was fun to see the creativity!

Our first activity was completed with a partner.  Using the letters in the words "one hundred", teams made a list of 2-letter words, 3-letter words, 4-letter words and 5+ letter words!  It was neat to hear the pairs working together to create their list of words.

Avari and Seth

Avery and Kayla

BreAnna and Karis

Kaleb and Carson B.
The kids were asked to bring in 100 items of a dry snack to mix together to make a special 100th day treat!  We mixed everything brought in today in a large bowl.  Each student got a cup full of deliciousness to enjoy!

Nick B., Avery, Cohen, Carsyn S., Allex, Mason and Billie

Makenna, Madilyn, Dominick, Tahner, Lucy and Nick H.

Jared, Karis, Ryan, Benny, Zariah and Kaleb

Kayla, Carson B., BreAnna, Seth, Avari, Korbyn and Kai
Our next activity was a fun one!  We completed 100 exercises!  Phew... I thought I'd join in for the fun, and ended up pretty winded and even a little bit sore! 

After lunch and recess, the kids participated in 100 Day Switches!  They rotated between four different activities:

1.  Scales:  The kids were asked to bring in 100 small items to weigh against small ceramic tiles using a balance scale.  They had to count how many tiles their items weighed, and then group their items into groups of ten.  They recorded how much their items weighed and how many groups of ten the 100 items made.

Avery uses the balance scale to weigh her items.

Mason counts out his crayon pieces into piles of 10.

Billie and Allex putting their toothpicks and Aqua Beads into piles of 10.

Avery and Carsyn sort pennies and noodles into groups of 10.

Nick B. and Cohen place their Pokemon Cards into piles of 10.

Kayla places her beans into piles of 10.

Carson places his pennies into groups of 10.

Korbyn and Kai place their Pokemon Cards and cotton balls into piles of 10.

Avari sorts her miniature toys into groups of 10.

Seth places his mini marshmallows into groups of 10.

BreAnna brings 100 dimes to place into groups of 10.

Kaleb and Benny place beads and baseball stickers into groups of 10.

Jared and Zariah place beads and noodles into piles of 10.

Ryan makes piles of 10 with his Legos.

Karis puts her marbles into groups of 10.
2.  Race to 100 game and $100 dollar writing activity.  Teams had used dice and a game board.  Each student rolled his/her die and colored that many numbers on the game board.  The winner was the first person to complete exactly 100 squares!  Then, each student drew a picture of him/herself on a $100 dollar bill and wrote about what he/she would buy with $100.  It was amusing to hear some of the things they thought $100 would buy (a house??)

The 'Fish' group.

Lucy and her ideas about how to spend $100.
Nick has great ideas about how he would spend $100.

The 'Frog' group
The 'Bee' group.
The 'Butterfly' group
3.  100th Day Hats.  The kids traced around a pattern shaped like the number 100, decorated it, and Miss Leanne helped put them together.

4.  The kids drew 100 small pictures in groups of 10.  Then, they drew a picture of what they would look like at 100 years old, and wrote about what their life would be like.

After Music class with Mrs. Isreals, the kids came back to the room for their final activity.  Groups of 5 or 6 kids worked together as a team to create a sculpture using 100 small Dixie cups!  It was interesting to watch how the groups worked together.  Some worked very well, sharing ideas, the cups, and the creating the work of art.  Others had some difficulties, such as arguing, leaving kids out, hoarding cups, and a little bossiness.  Activities like this are a great way to learn to work together as a team toward a goal.

Avery, BreAnna, Karis, Makenna, Billie and Zariah

Nick H., Tahner, Benny and Carson B.

Kaleb, Korbyn, Jared, Dominick and Ryan

This team worked so well together, they had time to create TWO sculptures!

Another cooperative team who had time to create TWO sculptures!

Avari, Kai, Lucy, Allex, Madilyn and Kayla
Seth, Carsyn S., Cohen, Mason and Nick B.
It was a fantastic day filled with wonderful activities and memories!  My hope is that your child came home today filled with stories of the fun that was had on our 100th day of school!

And... now... 'The funny one'!

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