Friday, September 9, 2011

Well, we survived our first week of first grade!   Here is a run-down of our activities:

Language Arts:  We are doing some review of letters and sounds by using penmanship papers.  We reviewed how to use the lines properly (top line = the sky, bottom line = the ground, and the middle dotted line = the fence).  I am noticing many odd pencil grips, so please check your child's grip to be certain they are holding the pencil and crayons efficiently.  I also introduced our first story in our reading series.  We will work with the story all next week.  I send home a copy of the story along with two decodable readers in the Friday Folder.  Next week I will send a special folder home with the first ones so you can keep them in a safe area to re-visit often. 

Math:  We did some review of kindergarten concepts this week.  Hopefully we will get started on chapter 1 the middle of next week.  You may notice that some of our math papers will come home without a mark on it from me.  That is because we have either done the paper together, or I was floating around the room and looking at their work as they did the paper.  I do not need the papers returned unless there is unfinished work (from an absence or a pokey worker). 

Social Studies:  Our main goal this week was to get our routine set.  We have done a lot of review of how to raise our hands to speak, wait our turn to talk to Mrs. Ferrell, and treat others the way we want to be treated.  Our biggest problem right now seems to be getting activities completed in the time given!   Sometimes a few of the children take two or three times longer than needed to complete a paper or project!  That will need to change, so if you can reinforce this with your child at home, I would really appreciate your help!  We also worked on classroom rules and consequences.  There is a copy of our rules in your child's yellow Friday Folder today, so please be sure to look at that.

Friday Folders:  Every student has a special yellow Friday Folder.  They will use that folder instead of their own folder each Friday.  Important notes from me, the office, or other items will be in the folder, along with their homework.  Please keep all the papers from the "Keep at Home" side, and return the paper(s) from the "Return to school" side by MONDAY.  If your child returns their folder with the completed homework inside by Monday, I will place a sticker on the front of their folder.  By the end of the school year, the entire front of the folder will be full of stickers!

Homework:  I usually send one paper/pencil activity home in the Friday Folder.  Usually it is a math paper, but this week is a fun booklet for you and your child to create.  I also (starting next week) will send home a copy of the reading story and decodable books.   We will also start word strips next week, but those are not due until the following Friday.  In October, we will start sending a book from our classroom each night to practice reading at home.  More information on that will come later in September.

Show and Tell:  We start next week!  Each child has a special day to bring in their item.  Look for a separate note in today's Friday Folder to see what day your child is scheduled to bring Show and Tell.  The topic will be posted in my newsletter, but next week we will do a 'free choice' week to get us started.

Student of the Week:  We will wait one more week before we begin.  Each child will get to be the student of the week once this year.   When it is your child's turn, I will send home papers for you in the Friday Folder (Return to school side) the Friday before their week.  Be patient please - your child may not be the student of the week for some time.

Bedtime:  The beginning of first grade is difficult for many children.  Getting used to a long day, sharing, raising our hand, etc.  can be hard.  Many of the children are very tired!   Please have your child go to bed by 8:00 or 8:30 (or earlier if needed).  Children who are tired cannot function the same as well- rested children!  Also, some children are not bringing a snack for our snack time.  They really do get hungry, and it is a nice break mid morning to have a snack, so please remember to send one with your child each day.

I think that covers our first week!  Thanks for checking out my blog!  If you sign up in the email box, you will be notified via an email each time I post.   My email:

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